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  2D Matrix Code Verification

  Verification of the legibility and content of the 2D matrix codes is an important step in the overall quality program. After marking of each circuit, the reader verifies the integrity China Electric Bicycles Company of the mark before indexing the laser marking head to the next marking location. The reader retrieves the alphanumeric text string from the 2D code and compares it with the text string that was to be marked.

  The reader also evaluates the legibility of the code based on a variety of parameters including foreground/background contrast, geometric accuracy (skew, squareness, etc.) and the dimensional accuracy of both the marked and unmarked cells. The 2D matrix codes are then categorized as passed (green), warned (yellow) or failed (red). For overall production efficiency, the laser system can be programmed to verify only a select few 2D codes on a panel, then to automatically switch to verifying every code if the code legibility falls below a specified level.

  Today's readers do an excellent job reading lower contrast 2D codes. If the laser marking system is installed on an assembly line with older 2D matrix readers downstream from the laser marker, the verification reader can be configured to evaluate the codes based on the performance of the older downstream readers to assure consistent performance throughout the assembly process.

  Marking Performance

  The typical printed circuit board marker is a fully automated, SMEMA-compliant, through-conveyor laser marking system. The overall productivity of the laser marker is comprised of several steps that make up the marking cycle. The steps required to mark one multi-array panel are

  1. Transport and positioning of the panel in the marking area.

  2. Fiducial location detection (optional)

  3. Marking of the first circuit in the array

  4. Verification of the marked 2D matrix code (optional)

  5. Motion of the laser marking head to the next circuit in the array.

  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining circuits in the array.

  7. Transport of the panel out of the laser marking system (synonymous with bringing the next panel in)

  Cost of Operation

  Cost of operation is much less than $1.00 per hour. Typical utilities requirements are 110VAC, 1-phase, 12A. A compressed air source is required for the pneumatics. Total utilities costs at maximum laser power (the laser should actually operate at less then 80% rated power) are $0.12 per hour. The primary consumable item is the CO2 laser tube that must be replaced every 3 to 5 years at a cost of typically $1,000.00 to $1,500.00. Assuming a 40-hour workweek and tube life of 3 years, the tube replacement cost would equate to $0.18 per hour for a total operating cost of $0.30 per hour under worst case conditions. Actual operating costs will be lower due to less than maximum electrical usage and longer tube life.

  For typical pcb laser marking applications, the cost for marking is less than $0.0003 per circuit.


  The electronics industry has been searching for a cost and technically effective means of applying machine-readable codes to printed circuit boards since the 1980's. Early attempts included laser marking linear barcodes on the board edge, a daunting challenge for reader alignment, and marking linear barcodes next to circuit traces, also a challenge for barcode readers. Barcode content was limited to a few characters due to limited space and the barcodes character-per-inch capacity.

  The development of the 2D matrix code combined with the resolution, permanence and speed of beam-steered laser marking technology now offers manufacturers a reliable, cost-effective, flexible and verifiable means to uniquely identify every product through production, distribution and after-sale.

  Congratulations on becoming your own boss! You now have the perfect opportunity to create an effective work area suited to your tastes. Whether it's a nook, cranny or a separate room, your work area should be conducive to performing your daily work.

  A well-organized work space also means efficient invoicing, expensing and follow-up, which translates into dollars in your pocket. For home-based businesses, organization is doubly important. A good system can help set boundaries between home life and work life, giving more time to actually enjoy the freedom of being your own boss.

  Make a List

  With the product or service you have in mind, can you handle the business from your home the way it is right now? If not, what do you need to do to get it ready?

  Will you need space for inventory, supplies, records and/or equipment?

  Do you already have an area you can use for your office or will you need to bargain with another member of the family to give up some space?

  Is the nature of your inventory or equipment such that special climate needs must be accommodated?

  Do you need to add a room, enclose a patio, convert a garage or basement, or stake out the attic?

  What kind of power needs will you have and will you have to make any alterations to accommodate them?

  As you determine what you'll need, keep track of your estimate costs because you'll need them later in this exercise.

  Establish a home-office space

  Find an appropriate work China Electric Bicycles Company area. Look around your home and find a spot that you will be comfortable working in. This can be an open closet space, a nook in the family room, or a spare bedroom. Before you start organizing, make sure your office is in the right place. You're going to spend most of the day here. Don't banish yourself to a room you don't like. Often, people plan to put their office in a spare bedroom they never use, except they hate that dark, isolated room and wind up doing all their work on the dining room table!

  Just keep practicality in mind while designing your office. For example, if you need to keep an eye on small children while you're working, then make sure your home office will allow this. Another thought is to ensure that you have some privacy with a curtain, door, or structure. This will enable you to conduct business calls as needed as well as separate your 'work time' from your 'family time'. Slowly purchase any needed equipment that you'll need to get your office ready for business, including a computer, printer, fax machine, copier, paper supplies, and a good Internet connection. My suggestion is to invest in the core equipment you need, and add as you go. Remember, these are all business expenses!

  If you are contriving to buy a quality heart rate monitor, one of the common makers available is the Polar company. Polar technology has been around for two decades now and Electric Bicycles Factory the company has achieved the status of being the industry leader in the heart rate monitors field. They have various series for heart rate monitors, ranging from initiates and intermediates to professional athletes. You can also choose your heart rate monitor from different categories, depending on what your needs are: cardiac rehab, jogging, cycling, swimming (this includes a waterproof monitor watch), fitness, weight management and so forth.

  Heart rate monitors are an advance for working out at home, as they might help to avoid numerous heart problems. Always pay attention to your heart rate monitor and try not to push your heart over the limits. Consult a doctor about what the normal pulse rate should be for your body type, in an effort regime. Combine this data with an exercise machine that supports heart rate measuring systems and displays them on their console, or even better, one that adjusts its speed to your pulse rate.

  Once upon a time in the world of finance there were three kingdoms the most widely recognized was also the most snobbish and wealthiest its subjects were affluent and known worldwide. Its king was NYSE (New York Stock exchange) the king ruled proudly over his subjects.

  Every brokerage firm had a stock ticker to provide their customer with trade information on NYSE listed stocks.

  The second kingdom was not so well off, it had less subjects and the inhabitants were much poorer than those ruled by NYSE, the king was named AMEX (American Stock Exchange). They could be classified as low middle class.

  Now the third kingdom was the largest of all, it's subjects range from middle class to very poor, this kingdom was ruled by OTC (Over The Counter Market). Some of the subjects of OTC were always looking to migrate to NYSE or Amex to escape the stigma attached to being a resident of OTC.

  Some of the stock that at one time traded in the Pink Sheets are well known today such as EDS and many new IPO, as well as bank and insurance companies, but you also had stocks trading for a fraction of a penny.


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